Prevention is better than cure. If disease might be prevented by adequate Health Education this contributes to the wellbeing of humans. It also may lower health consumption.
If Public Awareness about certain Health topics is raised in an entertaining and understandable way this may lift it to a popular level. Therefore this may have a much larger effect than the documentaries that have been used until now.
An example of such a project is the vitamin D bird migration project. We use the incredible story of the long distance migrating Barn Swallow to elaborate the need for vitamin D in humans. We use the appealing adventure of the Barn Swallow which we follow from Northern Europe into the heart of Africa as a frame work to translate to the ancient mechanisms that influence the vitamin D status in humans. As human behaviour has changed much in just a few decades there is a necessity to change our altered life style to stay fit.
Therefore this project, where the strong survival impulse of a small bird is followed and is commented on by scientists in several fields, biological and medical, is of great value for Human Health in the next decades.